
User and rights management

In this tutorial we will show you how to manage users and how to set up a differentiated rights management by using so-called roles.

Manage users

To add new users or change existing users, please click on the cog wheel in the upper right corner and select the "Users" section from the settings:


Click on "New" to create a new user:


After clicking on an existing user you can change their role (their rights)…


... assign a new password to them (if you have the rights to do so)…


... or deactivate the user temporarily:


Manage roles

Roles allow you to specify in detail which areas of Friendly Automate a user should have access to and what exactly they are allowed to do there. To do this, click on the cogwheel in the upper right corner and select "Roles":


By default, there is only one role: "Administrator". This role is allowed to do everything.

For example, if a user should only have access to emails, but not to contacts, you can create a role for that. Click on "New" to do so:


Assign the new role a name that is as descriptive as possible, and add an optional description:


Now click on "Permissions" and then on "Emails Permissions". Give the person the desired permissions there. For example, to be able to see all emails, but only change and delete their own emails, select the following settings:


"Categories" are umbrella terms (e.g. newsletter, special offers, customer info, etc.) to which an email can be assigned. In this case we allow the user to edit these categories completely.

When you are done, save the new role:


Now you can assign the role to a user:


Setting permissions for individual elements instead of entire content categories

By default, you can set roles to give someone specific permissions (e.g. read, write, delete) for all items in a given category (e.g. all contacts, emails, landing pages).

However, you can't specify that someone gets certain permissions only for individual elements - e.g. only for certain contacts or certain emails.

At the moment you can only do this with a workaround.

Suppose you manage three different projects or business units in your instance of Friendly Automate. We'll call them "Project A", "Project B", and "Project C".

If you want a user to see only items that belong to Project A, we can implement this by distinguishing between "own" and "other" items in the role management.

For example, we create a user with the name "Project A". Then we assign all contacts and companies that belong to this project to this user as "owner":

For all other elements such as segments, campaigns and emails, the user who originally created these elements is considered the owner. Unfortunately, this value cannot be changed via the interface. We can manually adjust this for you via the database. Just tell us which elements you want us to assign to which user account as the creator.

Now we create a customized role for this user. For example, if the user should be able to see and edit all contacts and emails (as well as create new ones) of project A (i.e. his "own"), we choose these settings:


Finally, assign the created role for project A to the user for project A. Now user A can see and edit all "own" contacts and e-mails - i.e. those of project A. The user cannot access any other contacts and emails.

We are aware that this solution is not the most elegant. Among other things, it has the disadvantage that there can be only one user for each project, whose password must be shared. Moreover, if several people use the same user login, you won't see which of these people made a particular change.

However, it is the best solution for this use case available at the moment.

Of course you can have an unlimited number of users who are allowed to access all elements of any given category (e.g. all contacts, all emails) with defined rights (read, write...) in this use case as well. Only for users who are only allowed to access specific elements, we are limited to one user per project in this workaround - because each element can only have one owner or creator.
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