Integrate Calendly with Friendly Automate using n8n

Integrate Calendly with Friendly Automate using n8n

Let's connect Calendly With Friendly Automate using n8n.

Create Credientials

Lets's add the Calendly Credentials first. Copy your API key from Calendly. You'll find it under Integrations.


Now login to n8n. Then, open the the Credentials Menu and choose New.


Choose the Calendly API from the dropdown:


Add your API key, select the Calendly Trigger in the checkbox, and click on the arrow to move it to the right side. This is how you give permission to a node to do actions.


Save your work and open the Credentials option again.

Add a new credential, this time Mautic. (Friendly Automate is based on Mautic, so all Mautic nodes will work with Friendly Automate.)

Select Mautic API


Fill out the URL, Login information and add the access rights, just like before.


Create your first workflow

Now that we set up our access to both systems, we can start connecting them.

But before we do it, let's give a name to our workflow and save it. You can do it in the left upper corner. It will autosave.


Now we can add our first node to the workflow. Click on the PLUS sign on the right, choose the Trigger tab and start typing calendly to filter the right node.


Once you clicked on it you'll be able to set up the right credentials and event:


In order to go further we need to emulate a booking with calendly. Let's go out from here and click on the Execute Workflow button:


Once the event is set up ouExecute Workflow button. Now n8n will let Calendly know that it would like to be notified about any new bookings.

Let's head back to Calendly and create a booking. Once we are successful, we will see changes in n8n as well:


Let's open the Calendly Node in n8n to see how the data looks like.

It will be a bunch of data together, but n8n will nicely sort out the important infos. Just like Cinderella.


Now let's add another node to our workflow:


Let's look for Mautic API:


Once we click on it, we can start configuring it right away.

It is important that our nodes are connected! Should look like as follows:

If everything is connected we can continue:

We choose Credentials as authentication and by Mautic API we choose the access we defined at the beginning. The Resource should be Contact and the Operation: Create.


Now we can add parameters. It means we can decide what will be transmitted to Friendly from Calendly. We captired a bunch of infos in the previous step. It's time to access them.

Click on the gear next to the Email.

Now we can choose the Calendly Trigger (We are in the Mautic node, now, and we will access another node.)


We have to unfold Calendly Trigger. The info is burried deep in folder, which is in another folder. The structure is importatnt o keep the infos organized. As we open up each layer, we eventually get at the final information. We dig into payload...


.. and get to the invitee information:


Once we click on the email, it will be filled out for us on the right side in the Expression and Result fileds:


We can do the same for Firstname and Lastname as well. If we succed, we see our example name there or at least an empty array we in our picture below. That's okay too:


Now we can click on the Execute Node button and see how our Calendy Trigger captured data is transmitted to Friendly Automate:


If everything went well, we are ready.

Turn on the automation

Let's save and turn on our automation so it will start running:


Done :)

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