
Install the Tag Manager of Friendly Analytics on your website

Starting with the Professional version, Friendly Analytics includes a powerful tag manager. In Friendly Analytics Starter, however, the Tag Manager is not included.

The integration into your website is easy.

Embed Tag Manager in WordPress

If you use WordPress, you can simply use our plugin.

Here you can find instructions on how to install our plugin:

Here you can find your Tag Manager ID:


2. Embed Tag Manager

Then just enter the Tag Manager ID in this field and save the settings:

If you trigger the tracking of Friendly Analytics via the Tag Manager, you do not need to activate the tracking code of Friendly Analytics additionally via the plugin. In this case, please leave the field for the "Site ID" empty.

Embed Tag Manager into any other website system

If you trigger the tracking of Friendly Analytics via the Tag Manager, you do not need to additionally include Friendly Analytics tracking code in your site's source code.

You can integrate Friendly Analytics' Tag Manager into any website system using a specific code. Just click on "Install Code" in your Tag Manager:


Now copy the displayed code into the source code of your website - ideally directly before the closing </head> tag - done:
